

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…”
“We the People of the United States … secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves [born] and our Posterity [unborn.]”
“… nor shall any State deprive any person [born or unborn] of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
“[I]n things touching man, the chief of all is life, on which all other things depend.”

Alan Aversa is the first on a team of uncompromisingly pro-life federal candidates led by Constitution Party presidential candidate Randall Terry. Abortion has unjustly taken the right to life away from millions of innocents. His goal is to run uncensorable television ads and radio ads exposing the reality of abortion, similar to those he ran in 2012 in Iowa CD2, so that child-killing ends and the right to life is protected for all.


“All men naturally desire to know.”

Alan Aversa believes that parents are their children’s first educators, and they have a right to choose how to educate their children; hence, he is against promoting transgender, CRT, and other scientifically dubious theories and ideologies in schools, especially without parents’ knowledge or consent.

Aversa graduated in 2008 with a BS in physics and astronomy from the University of Arizona, where being a TA for an E&M lab class invigorated his interest in teaching. Since then, he has taught physics and computer programming in classrooms, online, and to homeschoolers. In 2022 he ran for school board in Phoenix Union High School District - Ward 2, with the goal of promoting STEM programs and ensuring taxpayer money is spent efficiently and only on what improves instructional quality.


We must return to the land. Local, sustainable farming is the solution to the unemployment crisis. The means of production (capital) must be equitably distributed and decentralized, not centralized in the hands of the few.

Foreign Policy

Aversa is against U.S. 🇺🇸 involvement and funding of genocidal wars by the State of Israel 🇮🇱, Ukraine 🇺🇦, Iran 🇮🇷, and elsewhere. He is “America first”; we have domestic issues that need to be addressed first.

Let’s transform Arizona.

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